Miss Tilly's Ballet and Theater Arts

Miss Tilly has taught ballet to the young people of San Francisco for more than 40 years. She has introduced more than 10,000 budding ballerinas and danseurs to the joy and discipline of classical movement and music in a warm, supportive and beautiful environment.

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Follow along with us on Facebook & Instagram!

Spring Session: January 24 - May 14

Mid-session enrollments are welcome and will be charged a pro-rated tuition



Tuition is required with registration. Tuition can be paid by personal check or PayPal.

PayPal instructions will appear after submitting the registration form.

When we receive your child’s registration form, we will send an email confirmation within a few days.

When paying by check:

Make check payable to: Tilly Abbe

Mailing address: 3119 California Street, SF 94115

Beginner Theater Arts (K-2nd Grade)


Advanced Theater Arts (3rd Grade & Up)


Private Lessons

$50/half hour

Email to Inquire


"Solos and Monologues" Advanced Theater Arts Workshop

*Concurrent enrollment in Thursday 5:00 class required*

Thur: 6:15-7:15
($625 per session)


"Pop / Broadway" Song & Dance!

Performance Immersion: Become a "Triple Threat"

Sing! Dance! Act! with Miss Iliza & Miss Ausjoli

 5 1/2 - 7 year-old: Mon3:45-5:15

8 - 12 year-old: Mon: 5:30-7:00

($725 per session)


Miss Iliza

Miss Ausjoli